- The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has recently announced the winners of its 2022 Direct Offer for two oil and gas working areas (WK). The winning consortium for the Jabung Tengah Working Area is PT Cipta Niaga Gemilang and PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (RAJA), while Blue Sky Paus Ltd was awarded the Paus Working Area.
According to Tutuka Ariadji, Director General of Oil and Gas, the award of these two working areas will result in a total commitment of $31.207.600 over a period of three years, with a signature bonus of $350,000.
"The government hopes that the award of these working areas will contribute to the future energy security of the country. We call upon the winners to fulfill their commitments to the best of their abilities," Ariadji said in a press conference on Wednesday (28/12/2022).
The Jabung Tengah Working Area has a commitment value of $16.550.000 and a signature bonus of $150,000. It covers an area of 8,728.34 km2 and is located on land and sea in the provinces of Riau, Jambi, and the Riau Islands. It is estimated to contain approximately 200 million barrels of oil equivalent in oil and gas resources.
The Paus Working Area, located in the East Natuna Sea, has a commitment value of $14.657.600 and a signature bonus of $200,000. It covers an area of 8,214 km2 and is estimated to contain 2.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas resources.
In addition to these awards, the ESDM is currently holding ongoing auctions for the Sangkar, Peri Mahakam, and Bunga working areas through its Direct Offer process, and the Bose working area through its Regular process. Interested businesses and permanent establishments can register and access bid documents through the online auction website for oil and gas working areas at
So far in 2022, five oil and gas working area contracts have been signed, namely the Agung I, Agung II, North Ketapang, Bertak Pijar Puyuh, and Bawean contracts. In addition, five more contracts are being prepared as a result of the 2022 oil and gas working area auctions.
"The signing of these five contracts, along with the award of several working areas, is a good indicator that the upstream oil and gas industry still has great potential for development and is attractive to investors," Ariadji said.
For 2023, the ESDM plans to hold auctions for a total of 13 working areas, including both Direct Offer and Regular processes.
Source: Ipotnews
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